Set in New York City, three to four years after the events of the first film, our hero Dave, a.k.a Kick Ass, has retired from fighting crime as his actions have inspired ordinary citizens to become real-life superheroes. However, normal life isn’t really for him so he begins training to become a proper hero with close friend Mindy, a.k.a Hit Girl. Elsewhere, Chris D'Amico accidentally kills his mother with a tanning bed while arguing over her apathy towards his father's death. With full control over his family's money, Chris re-invents himself as a super villain known as "The Motherfucker"and swears to get revenge on Kick-Ass…
Play as the main characters featured in the movie including lead hero “Kick Ass” or the lethal “Hit Girl” as they take on arch-nemesis “The Motherfucker”! Unleash your martial art skills while using a wide range of melee weapons, battle against tons of enemies and perform incredible finishing moves.
Now it’s up to you to become a masked vigilante. Gear up and get ready to kick some ass!
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