The adventure begins with a completely new storyline staged in the Land of Ooo as players help Princess Bubblegum save the Candy Kingdom by exploring the mysteries surrounding a massive Secret Royal Dungeon. In Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Dont’t Know!, play as multiple fan-favorite characters from the show with up to four players, including Finn, Jake, Marceline, Ice King, and more and showcase your best attack moves with special abilities and skills to defeat baddies throughout the dungeon.
Select from an assortment of fan-favorite characters from the show, including Finn, Jake, Marceline, Cinnamon Bun, and more, and team up with your friends in four-player co-operative multiplayer as the Adventure Time world comes to life. Adventure Time has encountered a huge success in the US and is in the process to soar across the globe among fans of all ages.
The 3DS exclusive Collector’s Edition will include a limited edition BMO package design in a glossy premium SteelBook case, a bonus DVD with actor interviews, storyboard art from series creator Pendleton Ward, and a ‘Finn and Jake’s Dungeon Guide’ filled with fun art and game tips and more.
Key Features:
- Oh, My Glob! – You Can Play As Many of Your Favorite Adventure Time Characters! – Experience the radical fun of Adventure Time by playing fan-favorite characters Finn, Jake, Marceline, Cinnamon Bun and more, each with unique moves and an arsenal of creative attacks.
- Investigate and Conquer the Secret Royal Dungeon! – Help Princess Bubblegum and fight your way through 100 floors of a massive dungeon, avoiding treacherous hazards and defeating menacing enemies and bosses from the Adventure Time show!
- Brand New Storyline from Show Creator – Series creator Pendleton Ward teams up again with developer WayForward for the biggest Adventure Time experience yet in an offbeat, fun adventure for fans of all ages.
- Voiceovers from the Original TV Cast – For the first time, characters from the show come to life with voiceover provided by the award-winning original TV cast.
- Grab Your Friends for Multiplayer Fun – Play in single player or share the experience and fun of Adventure Time with your best buds in four player, co-operative multiplayer on consoles!
- Become Stronger by Kicking Some Digital Bootays! – Equip Tokens for awesome ability boosts and arm your characters with Sub-Weapons to complement your attacks against some of the baddest enemies throughout the dungeon like Gunter’s Kitten, Goliad and Stormo, Ice King, and Gumball Guardians.
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!, rated “E10+” (Cartoon Violence and Comic Mischief), will be available nationwide for $39.95. The 3DS version will be available for $29.95 for the Standard Edition or $39.95 for the Collector’s Edition.
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