Set in the distant future, Destiny casts players as Guardians of the last city on Earth, who traverse the ruins of our solar system from the red dunes of Mars to the jungles of Venus. Players must battle enemies and reclaim what was lost during the collapse of mankind. Destiny's saga unfolds through grand tales and sweeping adventures by immersing gamers in a world with cooperative, competitive, public, and social activities.
In a recent interview Destiny senior writer Eric Osborne (also Bungie's community manager) revealed that people holding out for a PC version of Destiny could be waiting a while as the former Microsoft studio prefers to focus on the currently announced platforms instead of "spreading itself thin."
"We know there are a lot of people out there asking for PC and we know that there are a lot of gamers that would willingly give us money, but what we have to do is make sure we’re focused enough to bring a good experience to any platform that we ship on."
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