Set years before the events of the previous Gears of War trilogy, Judgment centers on Kilo Squad, a troop of soldiers led by Damon Baird and Augustus "The Cole Train" Cole. They are joined by newcomers to the Gears series, Sofia Hendricks and Garron Paduk, as they attempt to save the besieged city of Halvo Bay from a terrifying new enemy.
Key Features:
- Gears of War: Judgment features a Mission Declassification system that lets players experience more challenging gameplay scenarios and achievements by uncovering critical information during the course of the campaign.
- Gears of War: Judgment introduces a new Smart Spawn System [S3] for both campaign and multiplayer action. This new system ensures that each encounter is unique and new because types, timing and locations of enemies change with each new encounter.
- Gears of War: Judgment introduces new multiplayer experiences, including OverRun, a class-based competitive mode that lets five-player teams alternate between playing as Locusts and COG soldiers.
- Playable cooperatively with up to three friends on Xbox Live (four players total), Gears of War: Judgment depicts the planet Sera on the brink of annihilation by an unstoppable new Locust menace.
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