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Gary Grigsby's War in the East

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Matrix Games
Developer: 2by3 Games
Release Date: Q4 2009

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Gary Grigsby's War in the East' v1.06.27 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on March 11, 2013 @ 7:48 a.m. PDT

Gary Grigsby's War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945 is a turn-based World War II strategy game stretching across the entire Eastern Front. Gamers can engage in an epic campaign, including division-sized battles with realistic and historical terrain, weather, orders of battle, logistics and combat results.

Get the Gary Grigsby’s War in the East v1.06.27 Patch off WP (85mb)

The v1.06.27 updateis massive and contains several months’ worth of  new features, adjustments to games rules and fixes to keep the game balanced and in fit fighting form. New features includeupdated formulas for Production, Combat, and Equipment Changes and a thorough review of Axis production. Other features include AI and PBEM improvements and gameplay bug fixes.

V1.06.27 – March 11, 2013

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. Production Change – Size 0 factories will now expand if they are past their start date.
2. Formula Change – Adjusted the way staging bases are selected for providing ground support aircraft to ground battles.
3. Editor – Improved the Upgrade all OB function. This function should be used only at the beginning of building a scenario (once the unit list has been created), as it often requires units to be rebuilt.
4. AI Improvement – Made a small improvement in how the AI builds lines in small scenarios.
5. PBEM - A possible exploit in PBEM games was identified and removed from the game. We suggest players use the latest version when playing PBEM.

• Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug causing the end game screen not to appear properly in small scenarios.
2. Fixed a bug where destroyed German units that were rebuilt were coming back with 10 less morale than they should have.
3. Fixed a bug where the CSV export could get corrupted if a name field is at the maximum value of 40 characters.

Data and Scenario Changes

1. Red Army Resurgent 42-43 Scenario - Corrected the starting MPs of the 1st Gds Mech Corps by setting it to 0 as the unit is frozen at the start.

V1.06.25 – December 28, 2012

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. Rule Change – Frozen support units are now reset during the logistics phase so they are not frozen. The intention is that support units should not be frozen.
2. Rule Change – Soviet factories no longer rise to their build limit on the turn they become active. Axis were already not rising starting with version 1.06.22. Both Soviet and Axis factories will not increase in size before their start date.

• Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug where Unready/depleted support units were not filtered correctly in the CR screen.
2. Fixed a bug in the data table for the support needs of certain ground element types. Heavy AT Guns now require 10 support (instead of 0), Light AT Guns require 2 support (instead of 0) and Heavy Infantry Guns require 12 support (instead of 1). These numbers are the amount of support required by 10 elements of the given type of ground element.
3. Fixed a bug where in some cases, mouse clicks on certain areas of the CR screen were not being recognized.
4. Fixed a bug where the number of available support units was not always displayed correctly (when assigning/forming support units).
5. Fixed a rare crash bug caused by using the Prev TOE(OB) option in the TOE window.
6. Fixed a bug that could cause prevent fighters from flying escort for air transport missions.
7. Fixed a bug causing the Demjansk scenario, and possibly other very small scenarios to end prematurely.

• Data and Scenario Changes

1. Made minor corrections in the wrob.dat and wrdevice.dat files to improve the flow of production into units.

V1.06.23 – December 16, 2012

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. Rule Change - Generic factories (ARM, HI, etc) with a non zero build limit and with factory size above it were being reduced to the build limit starting with version 1.06.22. Now, these factories are not affected by the reduction rule added in 1.06.22.
2. Formula Change – Adjusted Dive bombers accuracy when bombing cities.
3. Formula Change - Adjusted night bombing accuracy.
4. Formula Change - Adjusted city bombing routine.

• Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug where aircraft factories above the build limit were not being reduced to the build limit as intended by the changes in 1.06.22.
2. Fixed a bug where Soviet numbered air armies could get renamed.

V1.06.22 – November 29, 2012

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. New Rule – Air transport missions may only be flown by air groups that are located on airbases within 5 MPs of a supply source (rail net).
2. New Rule – Factories that are moved may not be moved again for twenty turns. The turn when it will be able to move again is shown on the city display when in rail transfer mode.
3. New Rule – Heavy Tank Brigades may not be used to form Soviet Corps.
4. Changes to Production Formulas
a) Axis factories no longer rise to their build limit on the turn they become active.
b) Factories with a size of 0 that have an expansion rate greater than 0 will no longer receive damage of 1 when they reach their availability date.
c) Factories that are set to values larger than their build limit will be set to their build limit during the next production cycle.
5. Changes to Equipment Scrapping, Swapping and Upgrading Formulas
a) Scrapping of ground equipment now begins exactly 12 months after the last month/year availability date, instead of at the start of the next calendar year after the last year of availability.
b) AFVs are no longer scrapped if they are being used by any units in the game.
c) Ground elements below 10 in the pool can be scrapped at a rate of 1 per turn so the pool will eventually be emptied.
d) Modified ground element and aircraft swapping to give priority to newer equipment.
e) Increased the chance to swap aircraft. Depleted groups still have a higher chance to swap.
f) Captured equipment will no longer upgrade to other captured equipment using the upgrade routines. They may swap out the captured equipment for other captured or normal equipment.
6. Changes to Combat Formulas
a) Reduced the fire of artillery elements during bombardment (2-hex) combat (primarily reduced the fire of defending artillery).
b) Defensive fire will be reduced to conserve ammunition if the attacker is relatively very small (roughly less than half the size of the defender).
c) If an artillery element is firing with its non-main gun devices only, 1/10 of the standard ammunition is used.
d) Removed very large ammo usage spikes by artillery ground elements in battle.
7. New Feature – Added event log messages when air groups withdraw.
8. Code Optimization – Optimized support unit assignment interface code.

• Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug where air groups that flew missions to the same hex that their airbase was located in were not being charged miles flown. Now a nominal amount of miles flown is charged to the air group. This will prevent heavy bombers from being able to fly repeated air transport missions in the same turn when flying to their same hex.
2. Fixed a bug that was preventing support units from receiving supplies when attached to units involved in a HQ buildup. This bug was causing the support units to lose morale and gain fatigue.
3. Fixed a bug that was causing partisan units to erroneously lose morale.
4. Fixed a bug in the editor where clicking on a location ID performed an unintended delete of the location.
5. Fixed a bug that was causing mountain units to pay 4 MP’s when moving through a mountain pass instead of the intended 3 MPs (since mountain units pay 3 MPs for any mountain hex).
6. Fixed a bug that made changing the HQ attachment of a broken down Soviet corps cost less APs than it should have. As of version 1.05.53 it should have followed these rules: When a broken down unit from a Soviet Corps of any kind changes its HQ attachment, all broken down units that are a part of that Corps will also change their HQ attachment. The cost for this change in HQ will be equal to the cost of changing the Corps.
7. Fixed a bug where an artillery unit attacking across an impassable river hexside could end up with negative movement points.
8. Fixed a bug that prevented the Soviet player from building new regular Mortar Brigades and Tank Brigades at times during 1944/45.
9. Fixed a bug in the AI where it could warp a unit into an overstack situation inside a pocket.
10. Fixed a bug where the game could freeze when all Soviet supply centers were captured. The game will now end if all supply centers of one side are captured.
11. Fixed two bugs with partisan units. In the first bug the partisan unit could end up with MPs, in the second it could end up stacked with an enemy unit.
12. Fixed a bug that prevented support units from getting ground element upgrades.
13. Fixed a bug preventing units attached to a city from upgrading/swapping ground elements.
14. Fixed a bug preventing artillery support units directly attached to a unit defending in a bombardment combat from being able to commit to the battle.

• Data and Scenario Changes

An update was made to the campaign scenario files and OB and Device data files. Going along with this data update, several programming changes were made to improve production. The logic behind the changes and the changes themselves are detailed below.
Developer’s Notes by Jim Wirth: The primary focus of this data update was to correct Axis production for errors and omissions resulting from scenario changes and developments introduced after production was originally setup as well as from missing or erroneous data. In addition a few changes were made to some of the German armor ratings not resulting from new information but rather due to either applying a more consistent methodology to calculating the values or incorporating data previously ignored, such as the pre-Barbarossa armor upgrade of the Panzer IIc. In some cases to get game production as close to historical as possible Production Start and End Dates were shifted a month or two in either direction. Finally to compensate as much as possible for the effect of using the production period for the service life when determining if a particular ground element (primarily AFVs) is subject to scrapping, the Production End Date was extended to the first month of a subsequent year. For example, the Panzer Ib which actually went out of production in June, 1937 has a Production End Date of January, 1941. Panzer Ibs will now not start being scrapped until 1942. Unfortunately this work-a-round can only be used for elements either not in production before June, 1941 or which upgrade in the course of the game. The one area of Axis production which was not changed was factory locations. It was the decision of the design and development team to defer those changes to subsequent games in the series.
Detailed changes to the Axis AFVs are as follows:

1. Panzer Ib (0001) – Production End Date changed from 6/37 to 1/41.
2. Panzer IIc (0002) – Frontal Armor increased by 15 (Note: All Panzer IIcs had additional armor added prior to Barbarossa); Production End Date changed from 4/40 to 1/42.
3. Panzer IIf (0003) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 2; Build Limit decreased by 2. Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 2/43.
4. Panzer IIL (0004) – Build Limit reduced by 1.
5. Flammpanzer II (0005) – Production End Date changed from 3/42 to 1/42.
6. Panzer IIIe (0006) – Production End Date changed from 7/40 to 1/41.
7. Panzer IIIj L/60 (0009) – Build Limit increased by 2.
8. Panzer IIIm (0010) – Build Limit decreased by 1.
9. Panzer IIIn (0011) – Build Limit decreased by 1.
10. Flammpanzer III (0012) – Build Limit increased by 10.
11. Panzer 35(t) (0013) – Production End Date changed from 12/38 to 1/41.
12. Panzer 38(t) (0014) – Production End Date changed from 10/40 to 1/41.
13. Panzer 38(t)E (0015) – Side Armor decreased by 4; Build Limit increased by 4; Expansion Rate increased by 1.
14. Panzer IVg L/43 (0020) – Build Limit decreased by 1.
15. Panzer IVh (0021) – Production End Date changed from 6/44 to 1/45; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
16. Panther A (0023) – Production End Date changed from 4/44 to 1/45. Expansion Rated decreased by 2.
17. Panther G (0024) – Build Limit decreased by 2
18. Tiger (0025) – Production Start Date changed from 7/42 to 8/42; Production End Date changed from 12/44 to 8/44; Build Limit increased by 1.
19. King Tiger (0026) – Frontal Armor increased by 5; Production Start Date changed from 1/44 to 2/44.
20. Brummbar (0027) – Name changed to Sturmpanzer IV; Reliability Rating changed from 25 to 30.
21. Stug IIIb (0028) – Build Limit decreased by 2.
22. StuH42 (0029) – Production Start Date changed from 10/42 to 12/42; Production End Date changed from 2/45 to 9/45. (Note: Rate of production based on historical.)
23. Stug IIIf (0030) – Frontal Armor decreased by 23; Production End Date changed from 11/42 to 5/42; Build Limit decreased by 4. (Note: See Note to Stug IIIg.)
24. Stug IIIg (0031) – Bow (actually coaxial) Machinegun removed; Frontal Armor increased by 7; Production Start Date changed from 12/42 to 6/42; Ammo Use decreased by 18; Build Cost deceased by 2; Build Limit decreased by 2; Expansion Rate increased by 1. (Note: Historically half the Stug IIIfs did not received an armor upgrade and all of these were armed with the 75mm L/43 gun. The remainder of Stug IIIfs and all Stug IIIf/8s had the additional armor and 31 of the Stug IIIfs and all of the Stug IIIf/8s had the 75mm L/48 gun. Previously in the game the Stug IIIfs and the Stug IIIf/8s were combined and all had the additional armor and the 75mm L/43 gun. Historically only some (amount unknown) late production Stug IIIgs had the coaxial machinegun, the only feature that in game terms distinguished them from the Stug IIIfs/f8s with additional armor and the 75mm L/48 gun. By removing the coaxial machinegun from the Stug IIIg its production could be combined with that of the late model Stug IIIf and Stug IIIf/8 resulting in game production within 2% of historical.)
25. Jagdpanzer IV (0032) – Frontal Armor increased by 11; Side Armor increased by 2; Top Armor Increased by 4; Build Limit increased by 3; Production End Date changed from 9/44 to 1/45.
26. Marder II (SdKfz-132) (0034) – Production End Date changed from 6/43 to 9/43; Build Limit decreased by 1; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
27. Marder II (SdKfz-131) (0035) – Expansion Rate increased by 1.
28. Marder III (0036) – Build Limit decreased by 2; Production End Date changed from 4/44 to 1/45.
29. Panzerjager 38(t) (0037) – Build Limit decreased by 1; Expansion Rate decreased by 1; Production End Date changed from 10/42 to 1/43.
30. Nashorn (0038) – Production Start Date changed from 2/43 to 3/43.
31. Hetzer (0039) – Frontal Armor decreased by 4; Build Limit reduced by 5; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
32. Jagdpanzer IV/70(V) (0041) – Frontal Armor decreased by 10; Side Armor decreased by 6; Top Armor decreased by 1; Build Limit decreased by 2; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
33. Jagdpanther (0042) – Initial Factory size decreased by 1; Frontal Armor decreased by 7; Top Armor increased by 2; Production Start Date changed from 1/44 to 2/44.
34. Elefant (0043) – Side Armor decreased by 8; Reliability Rating changed from 40 to 45.
35. Jagdtiger (0044) – Frontal Armor increased by 15; Top Armor increased by 2; Production Start Date changed from 7/44 to 8/44.
36. Hummel (0046) – Build Limit increased by 3.
37. SdKfz-10/4 (0048) – Initial Factory Size increased by 2; Build Limit increased by 2; Production End Date changed from 12/44 to 1/44.
38. Flakpanzer 38(t) (0049) – Frontal Armor increased by 4; Build Limit increased by 2; Expansion Rate increased by 1; Production End Date changed from 2/44 to 1/45.
39. Wirbelwind (0050) – Initial Factory Size increased by 1; Build Limit decreased by 2; Expansion Rate decreased by 3; Production End Date changed from 11/44 to 1/45.
40. Ostwind (0051) – Crew Size reduced by 1; Expansion Rate increased by 1.
41. sIG33 (0052) – Production End Date changed from 2/40 to 1/42.
42. sIG33 Grille (0053) – Crew Size deceased by 1; Build Limit decreased by 8; Expansion Rate decreased by 1. (Note: This vehicle “swapped” data base slots with the sIG33 (SdKfz-138) to reduce scenario edits.)
43. SdKfz-221(0054) – Production End Date changed from 5/40 to 1/41.
44. SdKfz-231 (0056) – Production End Date changed from 9/43 to 1/44.
45. SdKfz-234/1 (0057) – Production End Date changed from 1/45 to 10/44.
46. SdKfz-234/2 (0058) – Production Start Date changed from 9/43 to 1/44.
47. SdKfz-234/3 (0059) – Production End Date changed from 11/44 to 1/45.
48. SdKfz-234/4 (0060) – Build Limit increased by 1.
49. SdKfz-251/1 (0062) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 2: Build Limit decreased by 6; Expansion Rate decreased by 1; Production End Date changed from 8/43 to 1/44. (Note: All the SdKfz-251 variants were being over-produced and corrected to not exceed 40% of total production.)
50. SdKfz-251/10 (0063) – Initial Factory Size increased by 2; Build Limit decreased by 13; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
51. SdKfz-251/2 (0064) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 6; Build Limit decreased by 6; Production End Date changed from 8/43 to 1/44.
52. SdKfz-251/1 (0065) – Build Limit decreased by 10.
53. SdKfz-233 (0066) – Build Limit deceased by 1.
54. SdKfz-251/17 (0090) – Build Limit decreased by 9.
55. SdKfz-251/22 (0107) – Build Limit decreased by 6; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
56. Mobelwagen (0117) – Build Limit decreased by 1; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
57. Panzer IVj (0125) – Build Limit increased by 3; Expansion Rate increased by 1.
58. SdKfz-251/9 (0126) – Build Limit decreased by 12.
59. SdKfz-6/2 (0127) – Production End Date changed from 12/43 to 5/42.
60. Stug IV (0170) – Build Limit increased by 1; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
61. CV-33 (0177) – Production End Date changed from 12/41 to 1/42.
62. L6/40 (0178) – Production End Date changed from 9/42 to 1/43.
63. M-11/39 (0179) – Production End Date changed from 11/40 to 1/41.
64. M-13/40 (0180) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 1; Build Limit decreased by 1; Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 1/43.
65. M-15/42 (0181) – Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 8/43.
66. Semovente L40 da 47 (0183) – Production End Date changed from 2/43 to 4/43; Build Limit increased by 7.
67. Semovente M40 da 75 (0184) – Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 1/43.
68. Semovente M43 da 105 (0185) – Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 8/43.
69. Autoblinda (0187) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 1; Production Start Date changed from 1/40 to 1/41; Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 8/43; Build Limit decreased by 1.
70. Semovente M42 da 75 (0188) – Production Start Date changed from 3/43 to 5/43; Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 8/43; Build Limit increased by 1.
71. SdKfz-7/1 (0209) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 1; Production Start Date changed from 6/41 to 4/40; Production End Date changed from 9/43 to 10/44; 26 vehicles in 1941 pool; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
72. SdKfz-7/2 (0210) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 2; Crew Size decreased by 3; Build Limit increased by 3.
73. Panzerjager 38(t)H (0216) – Build Limit increased by 1; Production End Date changed from 3/43 to 1/44.
74. Panzer 38(t) Aufklarer (0217) – Build Limit decreased by 2; Expansion Rate decreased by 1.
75. sIG33 (SdKfz-138) (0218) – Build Limit decreased by 3; Expansion Rate decreased by 1. (Note: See 42 above.)
76. Panzer IIIj L/42 (0219) – Build Limit increased by 2.
77. SdKfz-251/2 (0220) – Build Limit decreased by 10.
78. Panzer IVg L/48 (0221) – Build Limit increased by 1; Expansion Rate increased by 1; Production End Date changed from 4/43 to 1/44.
79. OA vz.30 (0225) – Production End Date changed from 12/41 to 1/42.
80. CKD-R1 (0226) – Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 1/43.
81. Vanatorul de care R-35 (0230) – Production End Date changed from 12/44 to 7/44.
82. TACAM T-60 (0237) – Production Start Date changed from 7/43 to 2/43; Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 9/43.
83. TACAM R-2 (0238) – Production Start Date changed from 7/44 to 1/44; Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 5/44.
84. Toldi II (0278) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 3; Production End Date changed from 6/42 to 2/42; Build Limit decreased by 1.
85. Turan-I (0279) – Initial Factory Size decreased by 1; Production Start Date changed from 9/41 to 11/41; Production End Date changed from 6/43 to 1/43; Build Limit decreased by 1.
86. Turan-II (0280) – Production Start Date changed from 7/43 to 2/43; Production End Date changed from 12/44 to 5/44.
87. Nimrod (0287) – Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 11/42; Build Limit increased by 2; Expansion Rate increased by 1.
88. 39M CSABA (0288) – Production End Date changed from 9/45 to 1/45; Build Limit decreased by 1; (Note: All CSABAs were produced prior to Barbarossa.)
89. Toldi IIa (0303) – Production Start Date changed from 1/43 to 7/42; Production End Date changed from 10/43 to 12/43; Build Limit decreased by 1.
90. Zrinyi II (0307) – Production Start Date changed from 1/43 to 5/43; Production End Date changed from 12/44 to 6/44.
91. LT-38 (0333) – Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 12/41.
92. LT-40 (0335) – Production End Date changed from 12/42 to 4/42.

Other Data Changes:
1. Renamed OB 336 from 41 Sturm Division to 41c Infantry Division. It will upgrade to a Sturm division (OB 337) in 1943.
2. Fixed several problems with German Cavalry brigades in all the Campaign scenarios and the Decision in the Ukraine scenario by using new Cavalry Brigade OBs.
3. The French Volunteer Regiment now uses the 44 Infantry Regiment OB in the 44 Campaign.
4. Changed Soviet rocket launchers to single device elements with adjusted ROF.
5. Changed 41 Infantry Regiment OB to upgrade to the 43 Infantry Regiment.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945 is the spiritual heir to the great Eastern Front board and computer wargames of the past; a turn-based World War II strategy game down to the division and brigade level, stretching across the entire Eastern Front at a 10 mile per hex scale.  Gamers can engage in massive, dramatic campaigns, including intense battles involving thousands of units with realistic and historical terrain, weather, orders of battle, logistics and combat results.  As with all the award-winning titles made by the 2by3 Games team, factors such as supply, fatigue, experience, morale and the skill of your divisional, corps and army leaders all play an important part in determining the results at the front line. Gary Grigsby’s War in the East comes with 4 massive campaigns as well as many smaller scenarios all with different strategic and operational challenges.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East represents a truly epic representation of the Second World War on the Eastern Front and is unparalleled in its scale, detail, and ambition!

Key Features:

  • 4 major campaigns starting at 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944
  • 10 scenarios range in length from 10 turns to 25 turns
  • Map stretches from 100 miles west of Berlin to Ural mountains
    • 10 miles per hex with weekly turns
  • Up to roughly 4000 units in the game database with the ability to create many more!
  • Division sized maneuver units with thousands of battalion and regiment sized support units
    • Many different classes of support units like artillery, engineer, ski, anti-tank, pioneer, tank destroyer, and much more
  • German Corps/Army HQ's and Soviet Army/Front HQ's
  • Air units are organized group and can run both night and day air missions, complete with night fighters
  • Manually upgrade aircraft within units or automate new aircraft allocation
  • Detailed production with Russian factory evacuations realistically modeled with production penalties and rebuilding delays
  • Extensive spreadsheets and reports representing tons of data and information
    • Detailed yet automated accounting for support personnel and supplies/fuel/ammunition
    • Losses in individual vehicles and squads
    • Display of the various modifiers affecting how efficient units receive what they need
  • More than 500 historical commanders with a detailed promotion and rating system
    • Leaders can be dismissed, executed, fired, killed in action
    • 8 rating fields measuring different attributes from combat skill to political rating
  • Very detailed system to account for troops/vehicles that are disrupted, disabled and fatigued
  • Accurate modeling of the need for training units before entering combat
  • Detailed weather zones and ice levels for rivers with the option to randomize or fix weather patterns for each scenario
  • Intricate Fog of War rules and unit detection levels - units are rated based on their ability to conceal themselves and their ability to recon other units

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