Arctic Combat revolves around the story of a national conflict between two groups; the Allied Forces (AF), led by the United States, and the Reed Star Alliance (RRSA), led by Russia. What begins as a dispute over natural resources in the arctic territory leads to a violent clash between the AF and RSAA, dividing thee world into two opposing forces and signaling the beginning of World War III. Players must choose sides and helping the war effort by annihilating their enemy.
Beginning Thursday, April 18, 2013, players will be able to participate in a thrilling new 4-player co-op mode.
The 4-player co-op mode will feature various levels of difficulty, all resulting in an assortment of rewards. The new feature will allow gamers from all different backgrounds, including more casual FPS-type players, to enjoy the game. The new update for Arctic Combat will also feature new weapons and maps, plus a challenging, upgraded Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.
To celebrate the game’s new update, Webzen will host a series of gaming gear and prize giveaway events for Arctic Combat.
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