Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance takes the renowned Metal Gear franchise into exciting new territory by focusing on delivering an all-new action experience unlike anything that has come before. The title brings two of the world's most respected teams together with a common goal of providing players with a fresh synergetic experience that combines the best elements of pure action and epic storytelling, all within the expansive Metal Gear universe. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance introduces Raiden as the central character; a child soldier transformed into a cyborg ninja, equipped with a high-frequency katana blade and a soul fueled by revenge.
In the near future, cyborg technology has become commonplace throughout society.
Three years have passed since the collapse of the Patriots system that had been secretly controlling the global power balance from the shadows. However, peace remains elusive. The dissemination of cybernetic technology has triggered instability and conflict as those who control the trade gain increasing power. Furthermore, large 'Private Military Companies', or PMCs, that had been supported and controlled by the Patriots have collapsed, spawning countless rogue entities with origins to larger criminal organizations. These renegade PMCs employing cyborg technology have become increasingly more disruptive shifting policy and power at will.
The Blade Wolf DLC pack is a side story with LQ-84i as a playable character. It features multiple hours of gameplay including unique abilities and characteristics for LQ-84i, while also expanding on each of his storylines and origins.
Reactivated by Desperado Enforcement's leader Sundowner and serving under Mistral, the DLC reveals LQ-84i's story prior to him battling and eventually joining forces with Raiden and becoming Blade Wolf. Players can battle countless enemies using an arsenal of weapons and abilities, culminating in an all-new boss battle.
The Blade Wolf DLC is available on May 14, 2013 for PS3 ($6.99) and for the Xbox 360 (560 Microsoft points).
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