World Of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy.
Ride the legendary Tiger tank, or choose the fast-and-furious Soviet T-34, practice your sharp-shooting skills with the American 155mm M40 Gun Motor Carriage or try experimental/prototype machines such as the Germany's monstrous Maus tank. A Player can have an endless number of tanks in "garage", and all machines can be upgraded in dozens of ways: better turrets, chassis, guns, engines, radios, various ammunition types, plus tank crew members can be leveled up as well.
The new World of Tanks v8.6 update will bring further changes and balance to the in-game economy, as well add new SPGs to push that armor line to tier X.
“Update 8.6 is a major step in game balance enhancement and is really going to make SPGs players happy," said Mike Zhivets, producer on World of Tanks. "Artillery gameplay is going to feel a lot more balanced with a normal ten tier structure, making advancing through that class of armor more comfortable for players.
Current tier 8 SPGs will be promoted to tier X, while the newly introduced SPGs in Update 8.6 will take their place in the middle tiers. The American tech tree will be bolstered with M44 and M53/55 artillery units, while the Soviet line will be filled out with SU-122A and SU-14-1. The German tech line will be strengthened with three machines: 10.5 GW Mk.IV(e), Pz.Sfl.IVb, and G.W.Tiger (P). Lastly, the French will receive AMX Obusier automoteur de 105 and Bat.Chatillon155 (55) artilleries.
Update 8.6 will also introduce a new premium British medium tank, the A33 Excelsior, and will also introduce a new map based in Korea.
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