In this spinoff of the Senran Kagura series, the grand rivalry continues as the ever-competitive shinobi take a break from hand-to-hand combat and face one another in an entirely different kind of battle, with delicious results. The shinobi master Hanzō has promised a magical scroll, with the power to grant any one wish, to the winner of his first annual “Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off.” Driven by their own desires, or just bored curiosity, the girls of Japan’s secret ninja schools have each signed up for the tournament, ready to put their reflexes, memory and speed to the test in a cooking competition unlike any other.
Players can further expand Senran Kagura Bon Appétit! by importingtheir costume and character DLC from the recently released brawler Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus. They can even import the two playable bonus characters, the fearsome Daidōji and the masterful Rin. Both charactersbring their own new stories into Bon Appétit!, complete with new visual novel sequences, battles and music (Gessen x Hebijo expansion must be purchased to access Rin’s content).
Marvelous USA disclosed that the Gessen x Hebijo expansion pack will follow on November 25, adding the Gessen Girls' Academy and the Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy, for a total of 20 shinobi. The expansion also comes with a bonus soundtrack app, which includes each character’s song.
Senran Kagura Bon Appétit!, rated M for Mature, will be available as digital download via PlayStation Store for $14.99.
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