Impassable woods advance onto cities from every side, as maddened animals and birds attack industrial complexes, military structures, warehouses and power-plants. Strange plants and mushrooms grow through concrete and steel. Scientists all over the world haplessly try to cope with the anomaly expanding with terrifying speed across the planet. Countries collapse; anarchy spreads throughout the world. Now force dictates who can survive.
On April 25, 2014 Vostok Games announces “Doors Open Day”. For 24 hours on that day, absolutely anyone is welcome to enter on the official website, download the current beta version of the game and try it out in action. For the moment the game features only the team-based play mode (PvP).
Once the Doors Open Day is over, the game will revert back to the “Closed-Beta” state as we continue preparing the game for the OBT.
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