Embark on a hilarious journey with the witty Dr. Wallow to conquer the galaxy in this explosively fun arcade game!
Key features:
- 5 picturesque worlds with 30 wicked mazes.
- A huge bestiary of critters to blast.
- A multitude of items and power ups to collect.
- 5 hellish boss levels whose punishing difficulty will only be matched by the satisfaction you’ll get once you beat them.
- A hilarious single-player adventure where you help the witty Dr. Wallow get rid of all the critters and become the ruler of the galaxy.
- A fully customizable battle mode for 2 to 5 players using the Gamepad, Wii Remotes, Classic Controllers and/or Pro Controllers.
- Over 10 minutes of caustic comments from Dr. Wallow, voiced by David Goldfarb (the voice behind multiple characters in Mario Kart 8).
- 7 famous pieces of classical music electronically butchered by Samuel Safa.
The game will debut on Wii U within the next couple of months. Its release date and price will be announced shortly.
A PS4 version in also on the way, although it will take more time to develop, nNo XBox One version is in the plans for now, as Microsoft has not licensed us yet – although if they do license us within a reasonable time frame, we will be happy to target this system.
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