In Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom, players take on the personas of both Finn and Jake as they navigate through the eponymous kingdom - a mysterious unexplored region in the Land of Ooo. They will discover hidden secrets by exploring all corners of a new kingdom created exclusively for the game and encounter never-before-seen characters and creatures.
The game will introduce a classic top-down action adventure experience and puzzle-solving element to the franchise, reminiscent of early high fantasy console games.
“WayForward is the perfect studio to bring the third all-new Adventure Time video game to fans of the animated series,” said Matt Scott, CEO of Little Orbit. “Just like the Adventure Time television series, these video games have resonated strongly across all age groups and we’re thrilled to be publishing the latest installment of this beloved franchise.”
“There is a huge amount of excitement and anticipation around this latest Adventure Time video game release with WayForward once again working closely alongside Cartoon Network and the Adventure Time team to develop the game,” said Johanne Broadfield, Vice President of Cartoon Network Enterprises, Turner Broadcasting System EMEA. “We’re confident that the action adventure and puzzle-solving elements to this game are a great fit for the brand and will provide an engaging experience to Adventure Time fans of all ages.”
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