Unmechanical begins with a twist of fate as you’re spirited away by a network of coiled pipes into a mysterious underworld. You find yourself in a strange environment that pulsates from mechanic and organic machinery alike, and your journey to freedom begins. Flying freely through the odd and fantastic surroundings, a powerful tractor beam lets you pick up objects and interact with the world.
Your quest for freedom requires you to solve a great variety of puzzling challenges, and while it’s easy to pick up and play, later challenges may prove very difficult indeed. On your adventure you might also begin to understand what it all means–The underworld may be more than it seems, the fateful descent more than just chance, and you might not be entirely alone after all…
Making its debut on Xbox One, the PS3 and PS4 versions will follow on February 10th and February 11th. The PSN version will also come with cross-buy, so anyone who buys the PS4 version will also get the PS3 version.
Key Features:
- Intuitive and simple controls, applied to a great range of interactions
- A carefully created world with unique environments and an engrossing atmosphere
- Uncover a dark secret through strange clues and fantastic events
- The Extended Edition contains exclusive new level, story and puzzles
Unmechanical: Extended will be available for $9.99 / 9.99 EUR.
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