Set in the 1980’s, The Guest has players take on the role of Dr. Evgueni Leonov, an old Russian scientist who has taken up residence in the rundown Oakwood hotel only to find himself trapped in his room with no way to get out. He resorts to his only option; exploring every inch of his new found physical and psychological “jail,” solving puzzles and riddles along the way to reveal the identity of his captor and more importantly their motive. It’s a complex puzzle game with all of the pieces and players in plain view for players to decipher.
Mechanics from classic great adventure games and immersive storytelling help players closely examine objects around them, which will offer critical clues to solving puzzles needed to uncover who is behind this mystery. Enhancing the intrigue and intensity of the plot, The Guest features a claustrophobic atmosphere and a calm yet chilling soundtrack.
The Guest will be available as digital download through Steam.
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