Featuring the series' trademark high-flying, clothes-ripping battle mechanics, Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson follows the events of Senran Kagura Burst, sending all 12 of the original cast members on another supernatural martial arts adventure through modern Japan. For the first time in the series, shinobi can fight in pairs, covering each other’s backs or combining special techniques as needed, or fight alone to give their partners time to recover after bouts of intense combat. One player can control both team members, switching back and forth at will, or two players can fight side by side in co-op mode.
"XSEED is getting ready to heat up the summer with ravishing heroines and fast-paced combat through these two highly sought-after games," said Executive Vice President Ken Berry at Marvelous USA. "Each offers a signature over-the-top experience that ranges from fighting back a zombie invasion with the bikini-clad vampire sisters of Onechanbara Z2: Chaos, to getting ready for ninja brawls as the girls of Hanzo and Hebijo embark on a new supernatural martial arts adventure in Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson."
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson will launch both as a digital release via the Nintendo eShop as well as in a limited run “Double D” retail release which will include a two-disc soundtrack.
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