Set in the distant future, Destiny casts players as Guardians of the last city on Earth, who traverse the ruins of our solar system from the red dunes of Mars to the jungles of Venus. Players must battle enemies and reclaim what was lost during the collapse of mankind. Destiny's saga unfolds through grand tales and sweeping adventures by immersing gamers in a world with cooperative, competitive, public, and social activities.
Everything changed with the arrival of the Traveler. Long ago, it breathed new life into our system. Rain washed over Mars. Fresh air cleansed the skies over Venus. Soon after, humanity raced into the black, and colonized these newly remade worlds. It was a time of miracles – a great Golden Age.
It did not last. The Traveler had an ancient enemy. A powerful darkness that found us here on Earth, and nearly destroyed us. No one knows exactly what happened in those final moments, but we know this: we survived, and we owe our lives to the Traveler.
In our darkest days, Humans, Exos, and Awoken found the Traveler where it made its last stand, low above Earth, silent and immobile. We built the City – our last – within its protective veil, fighting countless wars to keep its peace. From that dark age, Guardians were born.
Now, a new era has begun, and the only hope for our future lies in unlocking the greatest mysteries of our past. You are a Guardian of the last safe city on Earth, able to wield some of the Traveler's incredible power. You are taking this mantle just as a new day dawns. Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks have finally returned to our long-lost worlds, only to find out we are not alone.
Defend the last safe City on Earth. Defeat our enemies. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system. Discover all that we have lost.
Become legend.
On Wednesday 22nd April at 19:00, Deej (Bungie Community Manager) hosted a livestream straight from the studio with Christopher Barrett (Bungie Creative Director) and community member Gothalion. The livestream took viewers through a live tour of the brand new social space, The Reef, which will serve as a key location for the House of Wolves story, and where players will be able to pick up new bounties and missions, and purchase new gear.
During the livestream Deej, Christopher and Gothalion revealed details about new content, new vendors and more, including:
- Petra Venj will be the main story agent who will lead you through quests and story missions, rewarding you for hunting down members of the House of Wolves
- The new mode, Prison of Elders, is a cooperative battle arena. Variks, a Fallen from the House of Judgement, is the Prison warden, and players will be able to acquire new gear from him through playing the new mode
- Trials of Osiris, the other new mode introduced in House of Wolves, is a weekly competitive special event which will run Friday to Tuesday, and players will be able to get new rewards and supplies via the mode’s emissary Brother Vance, Disciple of Osiris
- Bounties, Vaults and Postmaster will be accessible in The Reef
- Any legendary or exotic weapon or armour will be upgradeable to full attack and defence
Tune in next week, on Wednesday 29th April at 19:00 for more details on Trials of Osiris, featuring community member tripleWRECK.
Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves will be available on Tuesday 19th May.
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