Armikrog tells the story of a space explorer named Tommynaut and his blind, alien, talking dog Beak-Beak, who crash land on a strange planet and find themselves trapped within the walls of a fantastic, mystical fortress called Armikrog. Players will need to solve an array of entertaining and mind-bending puzzles to help Tommynaut out of his predicament, and will quickly discover that the epic Armikrog is much more than simply a fortress from which they must escape.
Armikrog, while not a sequel, is already being called by many a spiritual successor to the Neverhood as it's being developed by the same core creative group with the same passion and dedication to blurring the lines between art and technology in a video game.
Hey Armikroggers!
As we're approaching the finish line, we've come across some details in the game that we really want to address. Some of the issues are about tuning, while others are straight-up bugs fixes. Since we owe it to every one of you to give you the best possible game we can make, we've decided to push back the game's release date to September 8th.
We've enjoyed and appreciated your overwhelming support throughout this whole production, and we want you to be proud of the game that you've backed. Mike and I both feel like releasing the game without addressing the last of these issues would be falling short of that.
Thanks everyone -- the adventure begins September 8th!
Featuring the unique characters and signature art style of creator Doug TenNapel, the magical appeal of stop motion animation, and the musical genius of Neverhood composer Terry S. Taylor, Armikrog promises to be a game that will deliver on the enjoyable challenge, whimsy and humor that made the Neverhood accessible to such a wide audience.
Armikrog has an awesome cast of actors, including Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite), Rob Paulsen (Pinky and the Brain), Michael J. Nelson (MST3K), Scott Kurtz (PvP), and Veronica Belmont (Tekzilla).
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