Beekyr Reloaded is an unique Bee'em up game (or shoot'em up with bees). The game breaks molds moving away from the typical shmup game, avoiding the space theme mixing vertical and horizontal scrolling stages with very varied game mechanics. Each stage is very different from the previous stage: one level we could be fighting scorpions, another defending the hive collecting pollen, dodging birds, raiding caves behind waterfalls protected by angry fish or we could be escaping from the wasp-hive after just killing the queen.
Beekyr Reloaded has 28 levels across 4 colorful worlds, going darker with every stage. First levels, full of colour, display naivety and happiness. The later, dark with cold fog and evil creatures lurking between plants full of spikes.
Game is hard but fair, you'll heavily rely on your skills. You might want to play for hours after you give it a chance. Let's see if you get inside the hive after playing through stormy weather! Getting there might take you about 5 minutes. But, finishing the game is a different story.
There is an unlockable game mode called "Madness". Where the first 10 first people to finish the game will get a prize sent to their address (or wherever they want to receive it). For now it will remain locked while the game stays as Early Access to avoid anyone obtaining advantage over other players. Everybody can practice as much as they want until the day it gets unlocked.
Beekyr Reloaded will be coming to Steam Early Access on December 1, 2016 for 8.99 USD (-20% off first week).
Key Features:
- Mold-breaking theme: Shmup based in world of insects, not spaceships or flying girls (Touhou)!
- Innovative: Horizontal and Vertical stages with very diverse game formats!
- 3 different endings
- 16 special enemy bosses to fight
- Secret playable characters
- Secret unlockable stages
- Enormous re-playability: 4 different stage combinations that might offer more or less levels (from 18 to 28 stages) depending on some game events and game mode
- 15 hours (on average) to finish the game in Arcade Mode.
- Designed for all types of players. From the average to the most hardcore player with several game modes: Novice, Arcade, Expert, Bullet Hell and Madness
- 4 beautiful very distinct worlds (+ secret levels)
- Powerups, bee-bombs and bee-swarm attack!
- Full Steam and Xbox 360 controller support with analog or digital controls
- Achievements (Available after Early Access)
- Online scoreboards (Available after Early Access)
- Retro shmup style fun gameplay
- Amazing soundtrack
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