In Senran Kagura Estival Versus, a mystical phenomenon transports the nubile ninjas of the titular series to a parallel dimension to face off against their rivals in a new kind of battle. In this strange world – which resembles a sunny, sandy island paradise – the girls are thrown for another loop as they encounter departed loved ones and ultimately have to decide if they can bear to part from them a second time.
With over two dozen playable characters, making this the biggest roster in the series’ history, Senran Kagura Estival Versus boasts more moves, more story, more attitude, and more destruction online with matches that can support up to 10 players (PS4 system version only; “PSVita” system supports up to 4 players). All of the series’ previous Shinobi girls return with a host of upgraded moves to master, and new playable characters offer more challenges to conquer, along with a story that's equal parts sexy and shocking, serious and scandalous, busty and bouncy.
XSEED Games has revealed the series’ newest team of badass beauties, the Overseers of the Festival, in an original showcase trailer for Senran Kagura Estival Versus. This new team of Shinobi fighters – Sayuri, Ryōki, Renka, Hanabi, and Kafuru, who each possess a unique Shinobi Transformation and utilize powerful Ninja Arts – resides in a strange, sunny island paradise dimension that the heroines of Senran Kagura are whisked away to, and operate the mystical Kagura Millennium Festival that beckons new guests to the island.
Additionally, XSEED Games has released the contents of the limited “Endless Summer” retail release of Senran Kagura Estival Versus, which contains a 108-page art book packed full of artwork from the Senran Kagura series, a randomly chosen set of ten 2.5” by 3.5” holographic “pin-up cards” featuring one of the six factions of buxom beauties each in two distinct poses, and a 2-disc soundtrack containing 70 total tracks.
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