Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is based on the world-renowned manga series Berserk by Kentarou Miura, and blends the signature ‘one versus thousands’ style action of the long-running Warriors franchise with the grim and gruesome atmosphere of Berserk.
Originally scheduled for Fall 2016, Koei Tecmo confirmed today that Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is now scheduled for February 21, 2017.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk follows the compelling tale of the famed mercenary group The Band of the Hawk, focusing on its diverse cast of characters and their struggles as they fight to achieve their dream of owning a kingdom. Berserk fans and newcomers alike will experience the series’ popular Golden Age story arc, which depicts the meeting between the leader of The Band of the Hawk, Griffith, and the legendary Black Swordsman, Guts, as well as the gripping Falcon of the Millennium Empire arc, in which players will experience the group’s most brutal and devastating battles against humans and demons alike.
With mind-blowingly detailed drawings, visceral themes of human nature, and gripping storytelling, Berserk has fascinated and influenced many fans worldwide, placing it at the pinnacle of the dark fantasy genre.
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