In the world of Veldime, humans once stood proudly atop the food chain. A harmonious balance of nature and civilization created a utopia for all. But utopias are wont to last, and Veldime fell victim to an evil which swept all to ruin - Overlord Zenon’s curse.
The people of Veldime were transformed to demons, and in the 15 years since the curse descended upon them, their memories of being human have dissipated. Veldime has become a netherworld where demonic shouts echo throughout the land. And now, a ritual to summon Overlord Zenon is about to take place in Holt Village.
Enter our merry crew. Adell, a young demon hunter sworn to defeat the Overlord. Rozalin, the Overlord’s own daughter, mistakenly summoned in his place. Etna, an assassin from another netherworld seeking Overlord Zenon’s life. These are our adventurers. Wielding traps and devising tactics as demons snarl and gnash their fangs. Let the story begin!
Originally released in North America in 2006 for the PS2, Disgaea 2 will be based on the upgraded 2009 release of Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days for the PlayStation Portable, and will feature content that never made it to the West in the form of three new characters: Dark Eclair, Gig, and Miabel! This Steam release will also feature additional improvements including an updated UI, keyboard and mouse support, and new keyboard shortcuts when it lands on PCs, Macs, and Steam Machines.
Start today, until January 23, Alienware is offering exclusive early access for PC gamers to a copy of Disgaea 2 PC Demo.
The demo will be free to download publicly through Steam on January 30.
Key Features:
- Choose from over 200 character classes for your squad!
- All-new Dark Court system where the good are punished and the evil praised.
- The Item World is back! Customize your items to make them even better.
- Utilize the new Stack Attack option, adding another layer of strategy.
- Enter the Dark World: a hardcore world setting where you can display massive amounts of damage!
- Play through Axel Mode and help Axel regain his popularity!
- Head over to the Land of Carnage, defeat high level enemies, and claim victory!
- New to Disgaea 2 PC:
- Updated UI, keyboard and mouse support
- New keyboard shortcuts
- Playable on Macs & Steam Machines!
- Three playable characters that never made it to the West: Dark Eclair, Gig, and Miabel!
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