Switch between the interconnected lives of Michael, Trevor and Franklin as they embark on a series of heists across Los Santos and Blaine County in the biggest, deepest and richest open world experience yet, with game world enhancements that include new wildlife, upgraded weather and damage effects, and an array of new details to discover.
The new generation upgrades also extend to Grand Theft Auto Online, an ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto universe. Rise through the criminal ranks by banding together to complete Jobs for cash, purchase properties, vehicles and character upgrades, compete in traditional competitive modes, or create your own content to play and share with the Grand Theft Auto community.
Included as part of GTA Online’s new update, The Doomsday Heist comes a brand new radio station on the Los Santos radio dial in GTAV and GTA Online. Hosted by Frank Ocean, Vegyn, Roof Access and Fed, blonded Los Santos 97.8FM is an eclectic mix of savory soul, hip-hop and deep cuts and is the first new radio station added to the game since 2015’s The Lab.
blonded features tracks like “Rain” by SWV, “Crackrock” by Frank Ocean, “Winnin” by Chief Keef plus music from Todd Rundgren, Curtis Mayfield, Aphex Twin, JME, Jay Z, Migos, Marvin Gaye and many more. Check out a preview mix above and tune in to blonded now in GTAV for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
You can also now listen to songs from blonded and all the other music stations from across the Los Santos radio dial at our newly launched curator destination on Apple Music.
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