The second entry in the ‘Mysterious’ saga follows the adventures of the enthusiastic Firis Mistlud and her loving older sister Liane Mistlud. The Mistlud sisters have lived their entire lives in the isolated town of Ertona, where Firis uses her unique ability to see where crystals of materials are buried. By way of a fateful encounter, Firis learns of the Alchemy Exam and decides to take her first step into the outside world, setting off on a grand journey to become a certified alchemist and discover the mysteries that life has to offer! Players will experience a vast world with towns, environments and other locations reaching up to ten times the size of those featured in Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book.
Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey takes the long-running franchise to greater heights with a brand-new option to choose which narrative path to follow. After passing the exam, players are able to follow three different paths that focus on the three key aspects of the Atelier series – Alchemy, Combat and Character relationships. Choice plays a major role in the events that can be experienced throughout the game, with the ability to switch between the three paths at any point during this grand adventure.
Firis’ journey will take her through beautiful and unexplored regions with unexpected surprises, often forcing her and her friends into battle. In battle, each character has the ability to use unique standard and special attacks, as well as supporting items. By carefully combining their skills, Firis and friends can defeat enemies more swiftly! Chaining abilities fills the Linkage Gauge which ultimately leads to powerful Chain Burst attacks, where all party members get to interlink their moves to deal devastating attacks to their foes and result in impressive finishing blow!
Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey also boasts the use of sub-weapons for the first time in the Atelier series. In addition to their main weapon, each character is capable of equipping two types of sub-weapons, each with different skill effect and different types of damage.
This new footage helps to introduce the updated combat system and also provides a glimpse at some of the interesting people Firis meets along her journey, including the young blacksmith Logy, the bright and energetic Escha, the licensed Alchemist examiner Edel, the minstrel and merchant Luis, and the mysterious Meklet and Atomina!
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