Taking place in the near-future with the world in ruin, a terrorist mastermind known only as ‘The End’, threatens to unleash an apocalyptic attack and destroy all humanity. To combat this threat, a Special Forces group comprised of eleven young psychics with incredible superhuman abilities, is tasked with pursuing The End to the summit of a sky-scraping tower which has dramatically appeared on the city skyline from out of nowhere. Can the team find and eliminate The End and avoid the impending Armageddon he has set in motion?
Lost Dimension's intriguing storyline was written by Jun Kumagai, the Pillar’s intelligent floor designs were headed up by Takeshi Oga, while the character designs were provided by Yuu Yamashita and Makoto Tsuchibayashi.
Ghostlight have said that “The PC version will also feature the original high quality localisation from Atlus and we will be using higher resolution artwork than that used in the console version. In addition to this, our PC port will support multiple screen resolutions, mouse/keyboard and controller support, Steam Achievements and cloud saving.”
Ghostlight also suggested that there may be a digital collector’s edition, but that this will depend on what assets are available to them.
Key Features:
- Take on the enemy across tactically created environments in an amazingly strategic turn-based battle system!
- Create bonds with your teammates and use your psychic talent of ‘vision’ to rifle through their minds and find the traitors!
- Every person counts in battle as you place teammates to benefit and shield each other and manage their ‘Defers’ and ‘Berserk’ modes!
- Test your investigation and deduction skills by finding the traitor on each floor of the towering Pillar. Traitors are randomly determined, so no two playthroughs are the same!
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