Expanding upon the extensive Fate universe with an original story from acclaimed series writer Kinoko Nasu (of Fate/stay night fame), Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star features a diverse cast of “Servants” – ancient warriors of legend and imagination, always at their Masters’ orders – who survived the Holy Grail War that took place on the Moon.
In a future ruled by the all-powerful lunar super computer Moon Cell Automaton, these champions now duke it out for dominance over this digital realm, known as “SE.RA.PH.” This story takes place after the events described in Fate/EXTRA, and depicts the world after that previous Holy Grail War.
Players will experience the story of Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star from the independent perspectives of the three factions wrestling for control over SE.RA.PH. and face off against foes from a variety of Fate productions, including characters from Fate/EXTRA, Fate/stay night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha and Fate/Grand Order, in fast-paced combat. A new form change battle mechanic called Moon Crux debuts in this entry to match its series-first gameplay style, transforming the player-controlled Servants and granting them considerable powers that allow them to devastate enemies and take formidable challenges head-on. The game will contain the original Japanese voices with English text.
The Nintendo Switch version comes loaded with 35 previously-released paid DLC costumes, along with an exclusive new Unshackled Bride outfit.
Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star will launch for Nintendo Switch in North America on July 25, 2017, and on July 21, 2017 in Europe and Australia.
Featuring 16 playable Servants from multiple Fate productions across three distinct narrative perspectives, Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star aims to deliver the series’ most legendary showdown yet.
A new form change battle mechanic debuts in this entry to match its series-first gameplay style, transforming the player-controlled Servants and granting them considerable powers that allow them to devastate enemies and take formidable challenges head-on. The game will contain the original Japanese voices with English text.
The limited Noble Phantasm Edition has a suggested retail price of $69.99 for the PS4 and $59.99 for the Vita, while the standard retail and digital editions of the game are available for $49.99 and $39.99, respectively.
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