Save the Light, from the imaginative world of Cartoon Network’s hit series Steven Universe, introduces Squaridot, a new game-exclusive gem, to the beloved franchise as well as newly playable characters like Peridot, Greg Universe and more.
Squaridot guards the Great North as an ally of the game’s yet-to-be-revealed main villain.
The new footage also introduces Peridot as one of the playable characters and showcases some of the fusion characters players can unleash in turn-based battles, such as Stevonnie (Steven and his friend Connie), Opal (Amethyst and Pearl) and Sardonyx (Garnet and Pearl).
Cartoon Network also invited fans to join Estelle for a one-of-a-kind sing-along experience in San Diego’s Horton Plaza on Sunday, July 23, to celebrate love, kindness, inclusion and the newly announced Steven Universe Soundtrack: Volume 1 vinyl release with a special performance of “Stronger Than You.” Fans, who will be part of the official single music video, are encouraged to come in cosplay or grab a free specially made t-shirt on arrival. The complete soundtrack vinyl from iam8bit is now available for preorder and offers fans a collectible version of the chart-topping digital album with 4-LP 10” discs representing the four primary crystal gems and a special inside gatefold.
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