Set in a heavily dystopian future as Earth nears the end of its life, those who remain in the overpopulated cities must work to survive as social programs become saturated by an ageing population and increasing environmental diseases.
As the intelligence of technology incrementally increased over the years, many jobs for the human race had been made redundant, forcing Earth's citizens to head out into the suburbs seeking labor, aided by exoskeletons to improve their efficiency. The world of The Surge offers a very grim vision of the future, where the evolution of our technology, our society and our relation with the environment led to a decadent state of the Human civilization.
The Surge features innovative combat mechanics and an original character progression system based on modular upgrades gained through tight, visceral combat.
Deck 13 Interactive announced today that their sci-fi spin on the Dark Souls series is getting a hefty chunk of DLC this year.
Set in an amusement park that’s directly attached to the Creo mega-factory the main game is set in, the upcoming expansion is called A Walk in the Park, which is funny because it will be anything but that.
The upcoming DLC will also launch alongside a free weapon pack that will add new attacking options to the game. Couple this with all the new armour, implants, and weapons you’ll literally be tearing from your enemies and there could be plenty of new potential builds for The Surge players to try out when A Walk in the Park releases later this year.
Deck 13 will also be releasing an Xbox One X update later this year.
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