Exoplanet: First Contact

Platform(s): PC
Genre: RPG/Action
Developer: Alersteam
Release Date: 2023

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Exoplanet: First Contact' Early Access Update Adds Quests Markers, Gameplay, AI, Audio, NPC Changes, And More

by Rainier on Feb. 26, 2018 @ 12:12 a.m. PST

Exoplanet: First Contact is a single-player, story-driven, third-person, action RPG set in a space Western universe.

You are Jack Sharp, a daring adventurer, stranded on a dangerous, wild planet known as K’Tharsis. K’Tharsis is a former mining outpost, gradually becoming a ghost colony as the Antigravium Crystal Rush is over and the inhabitants struggle for survival.

There’s a constant struggle for existence on K’Tharsis as desert raiders, runaway slaves and the original natives are always thirsty for blood. They fight the normal people and aliens who live safely behind the walls of the settlements and the last corporate enclaves. There is only one guarantee, and it’s that not everyone is going to survive.

Within Exoplanet, there’s a good balance between classic “shoot-em-up” style gaming, and exploration. There’s a rich set of charismatic characters to meet, many of them based on cult personalities from Western movies with their own motives and hidden secrets. By talking to non-player-characters and listening to the dialogs you will be able to find new, more profitable ways to solve quests, but you will also be able to unearthen treasure as you will be able to influence them. The inhabitants of K'tharsis have their own background, motives, problems, quirks, and their own story to tell. Play your cards right, and they might even warn you on upcoming assassination attempts.

The team behind Exoplanet took their inspiration from classic games such as Fallout, TESIII Morrowind, Gothic, and the Firefly TV-series. Combining all of these, they defined Exoplanet as a space western universe, where the protagonist benefits from cybernetic augmentations and hoverbikes, but is still very reliant on his ever trusty revolver.

Exoplanet: First Contact is currently available on Steam Early Access for $19.99.

UPDATE 8 Is Now Live!!!

We’ve had some technical difficulties, but managed to solve them all. Major progress has been made in this update towards modular upgradeable weapons, and the first part of that is already here. I’m talking, of course, about weapon quality. No longer are all weapons created equal—the better the quality, the higher the value, the better it works all around. So get to exploring and find the best of them!

Change Log:


  • Added more details to currently unreachable parts of Windscream Canyon in preparation for future updates
  • Many minor fixes and improvements


  • Remote-controlled bitebugs now have actual neurochip visuals


  • Added first quest markers to a few selected quests
  • Vasily fixes the shotgun to a good quality now


  • Weapons have varying quality that affects their stats and value
  • Added custom animated Jack’s stash container
  • Reload the weapon upon magazine depletion automatically
  • You can now cancel reloading and switch to another weapon


  • Added lots of new talking animations for aboris
  • Dead monsters don’t play death animation after loading a saved game anymore
  • Certain characters should no longer be loaded with incorrect orientation


  • The hornhog’s AI was remade from the ground up on the new ai system
  • Arphant Molly’s AI was tweaked as well
  • Bandits' behavior was ported to the new AI system


  • Brand new sound effects for crucas
  • Added unique sound effects for Combat Tazer
  • Remastered fire sound effects for M37 pump-action shotgun, Equalizer and SCAMP


  • Revamped item info tooltips
  • Added Alersteam (that’s us!) and our publisher’s, “Grab The Games” logos on game start
  • Sort weapons according to quality
  • Items can now be assigned to hotbar by hovering over them with a mouse cursor in the inventory and pressing 1-0 key


  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when trying to load a saved game from main menu
  • Fixed crash on intense mouse clicking while game loads
  • A couple of instances of incorrect character label positions were fixed
  • Dead characters without loots should no longer receive focus
  • Alt-tabbing on death should no longer disable mouse cursor
  • Fast travel menu shouldn’t show it’s own travel point name as destination
  • Saving a game during NPC’s turning towards or away from player should no longer modify NPC’s default orientation


If you have a weak PC or a laptop (especially the ones with Intel integrated graphics), we highly recommend to launch Exoplanet from its folder, not via Steam.If you have BitDefender antivirus and can't launch the game, please, unblock Exoplanet's .exe.If you have any other problem, please let us know via our Discord channel. You can also report about bugs on technical support forum or send us your log to support@alersteam.com with description of the problem and your PC specs.You can find your .log file here: Documents\Alersteam\Exoplanet First Contact\system.logAs usual, we recommend to start a new game.

Exoplanet will also introduce innovative elements of survival to give the player a more immersive experience. If you choose to turn these options on, Jack will need sleep, food and water to be able to survive. Not having enough of either will affect his physical and mental condition! So make sure Jack roasts plenty of bitebugs and juicy hornhog steaks to keep it healthy, ready to take on the next bandits!

Exoplanet: First Contact will be the first Chapter, the major part of the Exoplanet’s Universe. Future Chapters will discover new adventures of Jack and his friends on this and other planets.

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