This unique side-scrolling beat ‘em up RPG is based on the Little Witch Academia anime series streaming now on Netflix.
Having been inspired by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot, an ordinary girl named Atsuko (Akko) Kagari enrolls at Luna Nova Magical Academy, a prestigious school for young girls training to become witches. Before starting summer vacation, Akko and her new classmates find out about an inexplicable phenomenon at Luna Nova caused by the Seven Wonders, which has been passed down for several centuries. Now it’s up to Akko as she takes on the adventure to unravel the mystery surrounding the Seven Wonders.
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time features main characters from the anime and original storylines for players to explore as they make their way through Luna Nova Magical Academy.
Fans who pre-order the game through the PlayStation Network Store will receive an exclusive offer including an official theme and the Magic Knight Grand Charion mini-game.
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time is coming to the Americas on May 15th, 2018 for the PlayStation 4 digitally and PCs via Steam.
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