Another day, another batch of games shipped to stores. Instead of giving them all their own posts, we grouped them, and so far there are announcements for:
- Car Mechanic Simulator [Switch]
- Cinders [Switch]
- Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ [Vita/PS4]
- Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! [PS4] - Europe
- Crackdown 3 [PC/XOne]
- Degrees of Separation [PC/PS4/Switch/XOne]
- DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders [PC/PS4/Switch/XOne]
- Dungeons III [PC/PS4/XOne] An Unexpected DLC
- Eastshade [PC]
- Element: Space [PC]
- Evolution [Android/iOS/PC]
- Fall of Light: Darkest Edition [PC]
- Far Cry New Dawn [PC/PS4/XOne]
- Final Fantasy IX [Switch/XOne/PC]
- Flower [PC]
- Intruders: Hide and Seek [PS4]
- Metro Exodus [PC/PS4/XOne]
- Modern Combat Blackout [Switch]
- Nightmare Boy [Switch]
- OlliOlli: Switch Stance [Switch]
- Resort Boss: Golf [PC]
- RWBY Deckbuilding Game [Android/PC]
- Sid Meier's Civilization VI [PC] Gathering Storm Expansion
- Snow [PC]
- The Golf [Switch]
- The Grand Tour Game [PS4/XOne] China Episode
- The Textorcist [PC]
- Tokyo School Life [Switch]