Tokyo RPG Factory’s third title, Oninaki, continues the studio’s mission to take inspiration from classic Japanese role-playing games to create a brand-new experience on modern platforms following the releases of I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear.
Kagachi’s guidance, these wandering souls in the world of the Beyond can continue the cyclical process of reincarnation over again.
“To a country where reincarnation is a way of life, death must be a source of hope.”
A young Watcher who embodies the principles of reincarnation. He has a mysterious, calm and collected persona, and thinks his life’s mission is to save the lost souls. As such, he will not hesitate in ending the life of another if it will aid him in completing his mission. Traveling between the land of the Living and the world known as the Beyond, Kagachi is duty-bound to guiding the wandering souls to continue the cyclical process of reincarnation. Upon meeting a mysterious young girl, his mission descents into a tangled destiny of blood.
Oninaki will be releasing on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC (Steam) this summer.
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