Featuring the swashbuckling spirit of the beloved series, One Piece World Seeker lets fans explore a brand new world from the perspective of series protagonist, “Straw Hat” Luffy. In One Piece World Seeker, players experience and wage battles in an expansive and seamless world filled with castles, cities, beaches, and more exciting and diverse locations.
Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are back in an all-new Epic story that puts players’ into Luffy’s shoes, as he battles and explores an expansive and seamless world. Open landscapes provide many paths for players to experience Luffy’s gum-gum abilities and swing into action.
One Piece World Seeker is the biggest One Piece game to date!
One Piece World Seeker fans will be able to play through two additional character episodes when they release later this year. This new content will be part of the game’s Season Pass or can be purchased individually.
Episode #1 will launch early Summer 2019 with legendary swordsman Zoro as the playable character. After sneaking into a robotics factory, Zoro finds KAGERO, a self-learning experimental weapon that can mimic opponents’ attacks. After discovering this dangerous weapon, it escapes and begins to wreak havoc on the citizens of Prison Island. Zoro’s expertise with his blades give him unique abilities including dealing more damage to locked-on opponents when using the “Relentless” ability. Zoro also has an air-dash ability allowing him to move through the air. Additionally, true to Zoro’s personality in the ONE PIECE series, parts of the map and mini-map will be blurred out due to his poor sense of direction.
Episode #2 will feature Sabo as a playable character and be available Fall 2019, followed by Episode #3 this Winter with Law as its playable character. Each episode will come with new gameplay mechanics specific to its playable character along with new missions.
Key Features:
- A One Piece adventure with a new Island to explore
- Explore seamless and expansive areas in an all-new One Piece tale
- Experience what it feels to be Luffy with all of his abilities
- An Epic Adventure to celebrate One Piece’s 20th Anniversary!
One Piece World Seeker is currently available for PS4, Xbox One and PC (Steam).
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