In Under Night In-Birth, a mysterious phenomenon, known only as "the Hollow Night," has enveloped regions of Japan in darkness for several centuries. Every area affected by the Hollow Night is beset by shadowy monsters--known as "Voids"--who feed off of a power called "Existence." Most humans don't possess the ability to see or come in contact with Voids, and therefore remain safe. You, however, are not so lucky. As one of a cast of unique characters, players fight their way through the dangers of the Hollow Night and defeat those who would try to get in your way.
The game features classic 2D anime fighter controls with a splash of devastating combos and unique fighting styles sure to keep your appetite for battle sated. A fight is more than just pressing buttons!
“The 2D fighting community has been incredibly supportive, and we are as excited about this new chapter in the Under Night In-Birth series as they are,” says Akibo Shieh, founder and CEO of Aksys Games. “With the introduction of a new character, the entire game has been carefully rebalanced and perfected for the greatest possible anime fighting experience to date.”
No specific platforms were yet revealed for Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], but a reveal by the Taiwan Ratings Board seems to indicate PS4 and Switch versions, scheduled for 2020.
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