Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age.
America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.
After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.
Built from the ground up for the latest hardware, Red Dead Online blends the classic multiplayer of the original Red Dead Redemption with the best of everything we have learned since then about creating deep multiplayer experiences. The result is something completely new and fun, and an experience that will continue to expand and evolve over time as we gain valuable feedback from our community in the Beta period.
Built from the ground up for the latest hardware, Red Dead Online blends the classic multiplayer of the original Red Dead Redemption with the best of everything we have learned since then about creating deep multiplayer experiences. The result is something completely new and fun, and an experience that will continue to expand and evolve over time.
With the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 as its foundation, Red Dead Online transforms the vast and deeply detailed landscapes, cities, towns and habitats of Red Dead Redemption 2 into a new, living online world ready to be shared by multiple players. Create and customize your character, tailor your abilities to suit your play style and head out into a new frontier full of things to experience.
Explore the world solo or with friends. Form or join a Posse to ride with up to seven players; gather around the fire at your Camp; head out hunting or fishing; visit bustling towns; battle enemy gangs and attack their hideouts; hunt for treasure; take on missions and interact with familiar characters from across the five states; or fight against other outlaws in both spontaneous skirmishes and pitched set-piece battles; compete with other players or whole Posses in open world challenges and much more.
Red Dead Online players can expect a range of discounts and bonuses this week, including 30% more RDO$ and XP for any completed A Land of Opportunities Mission during the next two weeks along with 25% off the Double-Action Revolver and Springfield Rifle, 50% off Hatchet and Cleaver prices, and 25% off all Ability Card Upgrade prices, all through August 19th.
Limited-time clothing items are also now back in stock at the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue, including The Owanjila Hat and studded Concho Pants. Additionally, Rank 31 and above vests are now temporarily available at Rank 30, while Rank 11-29 vests have been lowered to Rank 10.
Twitch Prime members that linked their account to their Rockstar Games Social Club profile by August 2nd can still pick up the Carcano rifle, the Tasman (male only) and Danube (female only) outfits, and the "How Dare You" emote for free, without rank restrictions. Plus, an additional 10% off on the Double-Action Revolver and Springfield Rifle (a total 35% off for each), and 10% reduction on Ability Card Upgrade prices (35% total price reduction), are also available for these players.
Please read on for additional details, including more returning clothing to the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue.
As you contemplate your place on the frontier and the kind of life you plan to build for yourself when new opportunities arise later this summer, take advantage of increased mission payouts and weapons discounts in Red Dead Online all the way through August 19.
Land of Opportunities Bonuses
There are some who live by codes: death before dishonor, only reaching for the holster when absolutely necessary - you know the type. But there are also four-flushers beholden to no morals, no law, no honor at all. Whichever path you walk, the rewards are bountiful - starting today, complete any A Land of Opportunities mission for Jessica LeClerk and Horley to earn an additional 30% RDO$ and XP over the next two weeks.
Now Back In Stock
The Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue sees four limited-time offerings returning today, including the Owanjila Hatand the stylishly studdedConcho Pants. Fellers would do well to try the Charro Jacketon for size, while the popular Clymene Coatreturns for ladies, made from premium top-grain leather.
In addition, all vests that typically require Rank 31 and above have been temporarily made available to those at Rank 30, while Vests typically requiring Rank 11-29 are currently reduced to Rank 10.
Whether you prefer to handle your business from a safe distance or up close and personal, stop by your local Gunsmith and take 25% off the Double-Action Revolver and Springfield Rifle. Local Fences are also offering 50% off the Hatchet and Cleaver for the next two weeks.
And for the same period, all Ability Card Upgrades can be acquired for 25% less than the regular rate.
Twitch Prime Limited-Time Bonuses
For a limited period, Twitch Prime members who have linked their account to their Rockstar Games Social Club profile by August 2 can still pick up the high-powered Carcano Rifle, the Tasman (male only) and Danube (female only) outfits, and the "How Dare You" emote - all for free and without Rank restrictions.
All Twitch Prime members who signed up by August 2 play Red Dead Online this week will also receive an additional 10% discount on top of the current 25% reductions of the Double-Action Revolver, Springfield Rifle and all Ability Card Upgrades.
Visit for more details on linking your Rockstar Games Social Club and Twitch Prime accounts, and stay tuned to the Newswire for more Red Dead Online news in the coming weeks.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently available for PS4 and Xbox One.
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