Yukumo is a young girl who travels around in her airship, her pride and joy. When visiting a particular Eastern town to run some errands her airship suddenly breaks down. She decides to explore the town to search for parts for repair; however, the town has fallen silent with no trace of the people who live there, the only inhabitants being a strange cat-like species...
Tasomachi is an adventure game created by nocras and his Illustrator club, Orbital Express, in which you can freely explore an Oriental Fantasy town.
You will control Yukumo as you explore the mysterious town, clear dungeons and collect items in order to fix your broken down airship.
Key Features:
- Wonder into a mysterious and sleepy town where time flows slowly and explore to your heart’s content.
- Communicate with the “locals”.
- Explore highways, bridges, ravines and other such scenic locations.
Tasomachi is currently in development for PC (Steam), scheduled for 2021.
More articles about Tasomachi: Behind The Twilight