A Space for the Unbound is a slice-of-life narrative adventure set in late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a story about overcoming anxiety, depression, and the relationship between a boy and a girl with supernatural powers. You will accompany Atma and Raya, in their journey of self-discovery at the end of their high school years.
Use your powers to dive into people’s minds, traverse between the real world and the surreal world. Experience the townsfolk’s memories and uncover secrets about the town and its people.
High school is almost over when suddenly a mysterious supernatural power is unleashed. First, there’s a meteor, then there’s a giant cat beast appearing out of nowhere, and now the world is falling apart.
Feast your eyes with Makoto Shinkai-inspired anime pixel art aesthetics and art direction.
A Prologue of the game is available for free right now at the gamescom Indie Arena Booth Online from August 25th to 27th, as well as on Steam.
A Space for the Unbound is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC/Steam in Q3 2021.
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