Final Fantasy V presents the story of a young man and his Chocobo, who find themselves drawn toward friends that will change their destiny. When the crystals that balance the powers of the world are threatened, the king hastens to the rescue...only to go missing. Well-regarded for its deep and customizable job system, which allows players to freely select jobs for their characters to master, Final Fantasy V supports many different playstyles and expands on the iconic Active Time Battle system, which made its debut in Final Fantasy IV.
This new version of Final Fantasy V will feature many improvements and updates, including:
- Universally updated 2D pixel graphics redrawn for modern hardware, featuring iconic Final Fantasy character pixel designs created by the original artist and current collaborator, Kazuko Shibuya
- Beautifully rearranged soundtracks, overseen by the original composer, Nobuo Uematsu
- Improved gameplay, including modernized UI, auto-battle options, and more
- Quality-of-life improvements including supplemental extras like the bestiary, illustration gallery, music player and the ability to save at any time
Those who pre-purchase Final Fantasy V on Steam will receive early purchase bonuses, including three specially rearranged music tracks, two wallpapers, and a 20% discount. These special tracks transition from the iconic original versions to the new arrangements and are available through early purchase or via the bundle on Steam. The music tracks include:
- Main Theme of Final Fantasy V (Timelapse Remix)
- Battle at the Big Bridge (Timelapse Remix)
- A New World (Timelapse Remix)
All six games within the Final Fantasy pixel remaster series are available for purchase (Steam) as part of the Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle for a further discount.
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