The story follows hero Kyhra, who is sent away to uncover the secrets of an Eldritch monolith which is threatening to destroy her world. Armed with her trusty combat drone, she must shoot and slash her way through the infinite depths of an ever-changing dungeon, wherein gigantic bosses, ancient machines, strange ghosts and untold secrets from previous explorers await.
There is no backtracking, as the game structure follows a procedural combination of pre-built challenge rooms, not unlike the Binding of Isaac.
Developer Flying Oak Games and publisher Dear Villagers (Recompile) just announced that after unprecedented demand the hit rogue-platformer ScourgeBringer will be launching on PS Vita alongside a newly announced PS4 version digitally on 22nd April.
A physical PS Vita version will be published by eastasiasoft and will launch in the near future. A physical PS4 version will launch on April 22nd, and will be available as a stunning boxed collector’s edition (limited to 500 copies) as well as a standard boxed PS4 edition. Pre-orders are starting today and you can find more info about the content of the special editions here.
Key Features
- Dive into fast-paced rogue-platforming gameplay described by Eurogamer as "Dead Cells meets Celeste”
- Slash and shoot your way smoothly with super fluid platforming controls
- Sharpen your skills with a frantic combat system focused on attacks only
- Dash forward to the otherworldly adaptive sounds of Joonas Turner (Nuclear Throne, Downwell, Broforce...)
- Defy hordes of unspeakable enemies and giant bosses holding the secrets of the Scourge
- Explore the infinite depths of an ever-changing dungeon
- Uncover mysteries and find mementos of previous explorers to unlock reality defining secrets
Currently available as digital download on Xbox One, PC (Steam) and Nintendo Switch, ScourgeBringer is coming to Vita and PS4 on April 22, 2021 for $14,99 / €14,99 / £11.39.
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