In Panic Mode, you act as a crisis manager to save creatures known as Pammies from dangerous disasters and unsafe buildings using shoddy, volatile, and convoluted contraptions as tools.
In a world full of hazards, the "if it ain't broke" line of thinking has lead to quite a precarious situation. Instead of taking preventive caution like say, fire escapes, instead the only company on the planet decides to hire you as a crisis manager. Use the corporate-provided tools (oft comprised of dangerous materials themselves) to prevent imminent chaos and guide the alien species known as 'Pammies' to safety.
In each location in Panic Mode, an accident is bound to happen. First, set up your disaster-prevention equipment in the Pammy’s workspaces. When things kick off, use your tools to mitigate the calamity that would otherwise cause all of the pammies to perish.
Save the pammies!
Or don't; the company will keep you on as crisis manager regardless of your performance.
Panic Mode will be available through Steam Early Access on June 25, 2021 where it will remain for approximately 12 months.
The Early Access version will include a city-themed environment, 15 levels, 3 tutorial levels, and water/fire based tools.
“Whereas in the early access the first biome and levels will be complete, the full version will have approximately 50 levels across 5 biomes - each biome including new level art, new tools, elements, and statuses. In the future we're hoping to create a level editor to allow people to build all sorts of situations. Along the journey we’re aiming to implement a lot of general upgrades such as a revised UI, more optimized core mechanics, and achievements.”
Key Features:
- Delightful chaotic situations
- Unique simulation moments
- Satisfying puzzle solutions
- Saving cute creatures
- Chain reactions
Panic Mode is coming to PC (Steam) in Q3 2022.
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