Set in the far reaches of outer space during a new Dark Age, WarFrame introduces the Tenno, a race on the brink of extinction after being enslaved by the Grineer for centuries. Players enter WarFrame on the cusp of the Grineer's victory over the Tenno until they begin to arm themselves with WarFrames - an ancient exo-skeletal technology only they can operate. Hidden within the Orokin Derelicts of a lost civilization, new WarFrames lie dormant and undiscovered. These artifacts are the Tenno's only hope for survival.
WarFrame is a free-to-play fast-action PvE shooter set in an evolving sci-fi world. Some would call it MMO-Lite as squads of four players band together to advance their characters and battle the oppression of the genocidal Grineer. Throughout their combat missions, players will continually increase the power and abilities of their WarFrame and weapons. Players will raid new areas of space searching for exotic and powerful weapons and WarFrame augmentations to customize their arsenal. With WarFrame's Automatic Mission Generator, the game will offer endless replay as levels are procedurally configured for a unique raid -- every time.
Digital Extremes invites Warframe fans to its first dedicated Warframe Devstream of the year ( January 28, 2021 @ 2 p.m. ET on Twitch, Youtube or Switch App) where viewers will relive the action and personal stakes of The New War while also receiving an update on new content coming to the game this year.
Viewers tuning in will be the first to receive important news and updates regarding future content releases for Warframe in 2022 and beyond, including a first-look tease at Warframe’s next major update in a post-New War world.
[Spoiler Warning]
This Devstream will include a discussion around The New War and will review critical narrative moments and other major expansion highlights.
Featuring a roster of exciting announcements for players, Digital Extremes developers and Warframe’s Rebbeca Ford will also touch on a variety of important initiatives for the year, including the return of its TennoGen program for Warframe creators, an update on TennoCon 2022, and a discussion with the development team around cross-play and cross-save features, and The New War’s impact on the Origin System.
Before the stream ends, viewers will be treated to Twitch Drops and giveaways, and a behind-the-scenes look at in-development content as the team continues on its path to another great year of non-stop space ninja action.
Warframe is available on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.
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