Death Stranding follows the story of Sam Porter (Norman Reedus), who must travel across a ravaged wasteland and save humanity from impending annihilation after mysterious explosions set off a series of supernatural events and otherworldly creatures begin to plague the landscape.
In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With spectral creatures plaguing the landscape, and the planet on the verge of a mass extinction, it’s up to Sam Bridges to journey across the ravaged wasteland and save mankind from impending annihilation.
Connect with people around the world via the unique Social Strand System. Contribute hard-earned resources to improve your surroundings as well as the worlds of other players. Strategically place highways, zip-lines, safehouses and other structures to make terrain more easily traversable and earn Likes from the community. Promote unity by Liking player-created structures appearing in your own world.
Death Stranding stars Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead), Mads Mikkelsen (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), Léa Seydoux (Spectre) and Lindsay Wagner, with additional appearances by Academy Award winning director Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water), comedian and television host Conan O’Brien (TBS’ Conan) and games personality Geoff Keighley, creator of The Game Awards.
As of November 8th, 2022, Death Stranding has connected with over 10 million Porters worldwide across PS4, PS5 and PC.
This milestone comes as the Death Stranding franchise celebrates its 3rd anniversary following its launch on November 8th, 2019.
The original game, Death Stranding, was released by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 on November 8th, 2019 and by 505 Games for PC on July 14th, 2020. The Director's Cut launched on September 24th, 2021, enhancing the Death Stranding experience by offering players more character action, expanded areas, extended storylines through new missions and a unique Social Strand System that enables players to stay connected with each other around the globe through in-game actions, including donating valuable resources to rebuild structures. The Director's Cut is the definitive experience and is currently available on PlayStation 5 and PC.
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment have partnered to create a full album of all-new, original music inspired by Death Stranding. Stay tuned to our official channels for details on Death Stranding: Timefall (Original Music from the World of Death Stranding).
Death Stranding is currently available on PS5, PS4 and PC (Steam / Epic Games Store).
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