Kill heroes and collect their treasures. Play the Monsters’ side and loot foolish warriors who dare to explore your realm. Build up your forces, upgrade them and equip them with better weapons, skills and tricks to lure and kill even more shiny forces of the light.
You can play any monster from your army and give them specific orders to follow. Every killed hero makes them stronger and gives you an opportunity to equip them better or develop new skills or monstrosities. You can reanimate fallen intruders or collect pieces of your slain warriors and research new ways to use it.
Develop your preferred Style. You can focus on specific Style or mix them together to create a unique army of loyal Monsters. Choose from Necromancy, Vivisection, Mutation, Runes, Elixirs, Talismans, Forge, Techie, Strategy, Roguery, Drilling or Sorcery and different schools of Dark Magic.
Grow your beasts and monsters, make them unique or identical with others to unlock specific skill trees, upgrades and abilities. Combine unique equipment and skills and create your Bosses or Swarms.
The Monsters Domain playtest has started today and will run until February 21st, so don't waste a minute and join them.
Put those heroic heroes (pun intended) to shame with your strategic thinking. Use your monsters to shut their pathetic mouths full of solemn words. Test out the game mechanics, enjoy it and have fun while defending your domain.
Create your unique strategies that will keep your lair safe. Unlock monster abilities by their skill trees, by combining certain equipment and beast skills you will be able to create amazing Bosses or swarms of monsters that will keep invaders away. A monster away keeps a hero away, like the proverb says.
Styles are complex systems focused on specific areas but combined with others allow to create more powerful weapons and upgrades. The vivisected finger of the mage combined with some elixirs can be a very powerful upgrade for your simple skeleton. Reanimated corpse of a fallen hero with some fresh mutations and newly forged weapons can make a really nice new Boss for your realm.
Loot all you can as bodies decay and some treasures can be lost to nasty imps or other thieves. Store you treasures as a lure for visitors or forge them into powerful objects. Every piece matters. Study new materials and runes, develop schematics for your traps and devices, collect limbs, flesh and bones for your experiments and new creations.
Learn and experiment. The way your monsters kill new heroes can be entertaining but also eye opening. Develop your Strategy and new Roguery tricks. Teach your zombies to play dead (sic!) or Drill skeletons to fight in formation. Experiment in your Forge with loot and spells and combine them into unique crafting materials.
Do all you can to defend your Monsters’ Domain!
Monsters Domain is coming to PC (Steam) in 2022
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