Developed under the guiding hand of series creator Eiichiro Oda, the game is coming as the original manga prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary, delivering an authentic and immersive new entry rooted in canon and sure to retain the humour and chemistry of the anime with Oda-Sensei’s involvement and starring the original Japanese VO actors.
During their journey, the Straw Hats headed by Monkey D. Luffy are swallowed by a huge storm at sea and end up on a mysterious island full of nature amidst the storm, separated from each other, with the Thousand Sunny completely broken.
The crew set outs on a new adventurous journey filled with wonders of a raging nature, powerful enemies, and strange encounters with the island locals. Players will have to work together with Luffy and the members of his crew to set sail once again!
Adio, the original character of the game, and the monsters that inhabit the game world were designed with the cooperation of Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece.
“We are happy to be joining the celebration of the 25th anniversary of One Piece with the release of One Piece Odyssey,” said Katsuaki Tsuzuki, Producer at Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. “We have been teaming up with ILCA Inc. and have been working hard in collaboration with Eiichiro Oda to create a great adventure drama that touches the world of One Piece in a game that we hope will surpass players expectations.”
One Piece Odyssey is coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2022.
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