Set in the Shin Megami Tensei universe, Soul Hackers 2 follows a brand new story about two Agents of Aion, Ringo and Figure, and their fight to stop the destruction of the world.
In a war between devil summoners, it is up to Ringo and her team to decrypt destiny and save the world from apocalypse. Hack into this brand-new story to prevent the destruction of the world.
Inheriting the essence of the Devil Summoner series and Soul Hackers, the title returns after remaining dormant for 25 years with an elevated, evolved concept, chronicling a new tale of humans and technology.
The Protagonist, Ringo, an agent of Aion, must join forces with Devil Summoners to stop the world’s end. Utilize COMPs― special gadgets for devil summoners― to summon demons and wipe out enemies! The secret city districts known as Realms also feature facilities where you can fuse demons and modify COMPs.
Deepen your bond with your friends through interactions at the bar or in the hideout, and at times by retracing the past memories of summoners through vision quests. Will this group of outlaws living in the shadows of humanity be able to stop the world’s destruction?
Produced and directed by Eiji Ishida and Mitsuru Hirata, other featured staff includes music composed by MONACA, character designs by Shirow Miwa and Production Manager Shinjiro Takata.
ATLUS is starting digital and physical pre-orders for its latest RPG: Soul Hackers 2.
Pre-order now for digital premium exclusives, a digital pre-order exclusive, and bonus items while supplies last.
Pre-order Packages
- Digital Pre-orders – Standard Edition $59.99, Digital Deluxe $69.99 & Premium Edition $89.99
Digital pre-orders are available beginning today for Soul Hackers 2. Receive a pre-order exclusive Persona 5 Phantom Thieves Outfit pack at launch when you place your digital pre-order now for any digital edition.
- The Digital Deluxe Edition includes the Full Game, Booster Item Pack and Bonus Story Arc: The Lost Numbers
- The Premium Edition includes the Full Game, Booster Item Pack, Bonus Story Arc: The Lost Numbers, Costume & BGM pack, Bonus Demon Pack, and two digital premium exclusives: Ai-ho Demon and Mary’s Maid Frock Outfit
Booster Item Pack, Bonus Story Arc: The Lost Numbers, Costume & BGM Pack and Bonus Demon Pack will be available for purchase separately. For more information on the digital pre-order packages, visit Steam, the Xbox Store and the PlayStation Store.
- Physical Launch Edition Pre-order - $59.99
Purchase Soul Hackers 2 from retailers now to secure premium character cards while supplies last! Pre-orders for Xbox and PlayStation will be available at the following stores:
- Amazon
- GameStop
- Best Buy
Key Features:
- Investigate the end of the world as Ringo, an agent of Aion tasked with saving humanity from an apocalypse.
- Explore a supernatural RPG with stylish summoners and dark dangers lurking under the neon lights of a cyberpunk Japan.
- Amass demons and unlock fusion combinations to create new, stronger demon allies, using their lethal abilities for incredible assaults on your foes.
- Strengthen the bonds with your teammates and dive deeper into their soul, reliving their last adventures and discovering the truth of their stories and yours.
Soul Hackers 2 is coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC on August 26, 2022.
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