Mortal Kombat Trilogy, released originally by Midway in 1996, is the second and final update to Mortal Kombat 3. It features kharacters and stages restored from MK 1 and MK 2 as well as the “Aggressor” bar and new finishing moves. The release was possible thanks to the efforts made by GOG Team, who worked with Warner Bros to make it accessible for modern platforms. MK Trilogy is available only on GOG (under the Good Old Games initiative) and joins other Mortal Kombat franchise games in our store– Mortal Kombat 1+2+3 and Mortal Kombat 4.
The release of Mortal Kombat Trilogy is accompanied by a Classic Twist Sale which kontains +60 deals up to -85%. The offers include klassic titles such as: Space Quest series (-67%), King’s Quest series (-50%), Wizard & Warriors (-50%), Warcraft I and II Bundle (-20%), Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (-20%), Street Racer (-65%), Glover (-20%), Drakhen (-65%) and many more.
Classics Twist Sale will last until August 22nd, 10 PM UTC.