The Expanse is set in the future where humanity has colonized the solar system and the people of Earth, Mars and the Asteroid Belt have long been in opposition with one another. When the crew of the Rocinante uncovers an ancient alien technology, a vast conspiracy begins to emerge, one that will bring the solar system to the brink of war. The series follows a group of protagonists as they uncover and become involved in a conspiracy that threatens the fragile balance.
The Expanse TV show is based on a series of novels by James S.A. Corey, the pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, who also serve as writers and producers for the show, where Humanity has colonized the Solar System, with tensions rising between the three primary factions of power.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is set prior to the events of the TV series. Players take on the role of Camina Drummer (played by actress Cara Gee in both the game and TV series), the leader of a rag tag scavenging crew on the hunt for a mysterious treasure on the edges of The Belt. As Drummer, players must work with a mix of big personalities, square off against a bloody mutiny, explore locations beyond the belt and, most of all, make tough decisions that will decide the fate of The Artemis spaceship and its crew.
The Expanse introduces several new gameplay elements that go beyond what people experienced with past Telltale games. Players have greater authority over the action. The ability to communicate with the crew over radio at the player's discretion keeps the plot and dialogue choices moving forward simultaneously with the player’s exploration, and all those character interactions affect the story’s conclusion
Gravity is a crucial part of the game’s setting and mechanics. While investigating shipwrecks beyond The Belt, players will use mag boots to walk on walls and ceilings and utilize Zero-G thrusters to float through the void. As they fly through sections of ships, players can interact with objects in the world and converse with members of their crew. These dialogue options will play as they navigate so they get to learn more about the world and their shipmates.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is the first new IP to be announced by Telltale since the company re-formed in 2019.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is coming to PC and leading consoles in Summer 2023.
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