Set in the far reaches of outer space during a new Dark Age, WarFrame introduces the Tenno, a race on the brink of extinction after being enslaved by the Grineer for centuries. Players enter WarFrame on the cusp of the Grineer's victory over the Tenno until they begin to arm themselves with WarFrames - an ancient exo-skeletal technology only they can operate. Hidden within the Orokin Derelicts of a lost civilization, new WarFrames lie dormant and undiscovered. These artifacts are the Tenno's only hope for survival.
WarFrame is a free-to-play fast-action PvE shooter set in an evolving sci-fi world. Some would call it MMO-Lite as squads of four players band together to advance their characters and battle the oppression of the genocidal Grineer. Throughout their combat missions, players will continually increase the power and abilities of their WarFrame and weapons. Players will raid new areas of space searching for exotic and powerful weapons and WarFrame augmentations to customize their arsenal. With WarFrame's Automatic Mission Generator, the game will offer endless replay as levels are procedurally configured for a unique raid -- every time.
Warframe creator Digital Extremes is inviting gamers around the world to join the global developer and publisher for a special anniversary livestream to celebrate Warframe’s 10 year legacy.
From its humble beginnings in 2013 to becoming one of the most-played and cherished MMOs of the past decade, Digital Extremes and its community of Warframe players have cultivated a global gaming phenomenon that reaches nearly every corner of the globe. In a special anniversary celebration on March 22, viewers can take a wild trip down memory lane, hand-in-hand with Digital Extremes, as the studio reflects on Warframe’s greatest moments and sets the stage for bigger things to come.
WHO: Warframe developers and team leads, including Rebecca Ford, Sheldon Carter, Steve Sinclair, Geoff Crookes, and Megan Everett.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 | 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET.
WHERE: Live on Twitch | Also streaming on YouTube | Watch on Nintendo Switch with the free YouTube App from the Nintendo eShop
Warframe is available on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.
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