In Solar Ash (previously called Solar Ash Kingdom), players explore the Ultravoid, an unstoppable rift of despair ripping through space, with fast, fluid traversal, massive encounters and heartbreaking stories. The void is calling...
Solar Ash is a third-person action platformer with massive scal and a focus on fluidity in movement, where the traversable world is huge, featuring sunken cities, vast water shelves, and dangerous lava zones for players to fight through and explore.
You’ll play as Rei, a Voidrunner looking to save her home world from the Ultravoid itself – a massive black hole that swallows entire worlds.
Fortunately, Rei is well equipped for this task with incredible speed, agility, and other tools to help on her mission. She covers vast distances surfing across the ashen clouds with ease. She seamlessly grapples across gaps and up huge vertical spaces. She gracefully grinds on rails littered throughout the world to reach greater heights and secret enclaves.
The Void beckons…
Combat is fluid, simple, and satisfying. We want to empower the player, showcasing just how skilled Rei is at what she does. As you progress, you’ll encounter larger and more twisted creatures, hinting at the more insidious nature of this maw of the cosmos. These encounters will only escalate in challenge and scale the deeper you explore, requiring greater timing and fine platforming skills to complete.
Eventually, Rei will fight the largest creatures in the Ultravoid: massive remnants hewn from bone and viscose, tendriled, sinewy sludge. These beasts hold the key to progressing her quest and saving her world. Rei is determined to overcome this (literally) huge challenge at any cost.
Currently available for PS5, PS4, and PC (Steam / Epic Game Store), Solar Ash is coming Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S (Game Pass) on Septem ber 14, 2023.
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