Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion follows three high school friends; Haruka Nanami, Nemu Takanashi, and Maria Hitsugi, as they explore the Amare Est Vivere Hospital, testing a local urban legend as the streamer Nemu seeks to boost her subscriber count. Unfortunately for the three girls, the legend of “Ayame’s Mercy” is true, and they trigger a decades-old curse that sends them into a dark realm.
Together they must avoid the vengeful spirit of Ayame Kirishima and other horrors from the hospital’s dark past as they search for a way to dispel Ayame’s curse once and for all.
The cult-classic Japanese horror franchise returns with new characters, a new setting, a terrifying new curse, and a brand-new look allowing for more thrills and chills! Players can freely explore the fully 3D rendered halls of the Amare Est Vivere Hospital in both third- and, for those brave enough to take a closer look, first-person viewpoints as they try to keep the girls alive. This new perspective complements the series’ visual novel-style storytelling, pairing updated visuals with gruesome descriptions and spine-tingling binaural audio accompanied by the original Japanese voiceovers. Featuring six chapters, with eight additional scenarios and plenty of Wrong Ends for players to discover as they uncover the truth behind “Ayame’s Mercy” and escape with their lives, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion is the perfect entry point for new horror buffs while keeping longtime fans on the edge of their seats.
XSEED Games announced that Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion will, in the interest of improving game quality, push its release date.
Originally planned for Fall 2024, the game will now release in for Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC (Steam) in 2025.
The physical “Ayame’s Mercy Edition" includes a copy of Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion with reversible cover, a ‘Save Yourself’ LED blue candle styled after the in-game save points, a 64-page artbook filled with behind-the-scenes content, a spooky ‘Ayame’s Mercy’ lenticular art card, an ‘evidence kit’ containing items pulled right out of the game world, and an Amare Est Vivere ‘Medical Kit’ metal outer case.
This limited edition will be available shortly for pre-order through the XSEED Games Store and at participating retailers for a MSRP of $79.99.
Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC (Steam) in 2025 at $49.99.
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