In Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero, the story follows Marona – a gifted young girl with the power to speak to Phantoms – as she traverses the ocean world of Ivoire, providing aid to those in need. When a fleet of ghost ships attack, it's up to Marona and her new friend Apricot to assemble the legendary crew that once defeated these spectral foes.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is an unconventional Strategy RPG that features free movement on a gridless map. Summon your Phantom squad members during battle by Confining their souls to objects on the map. Phantoms can also Confire with special Gadget items for slow-moving but hard-hitting attacks. In addition, Marona can Confriend with Phantoms to transform her appearance and access show-stopping special attacks. How the battle unfolds is completely up to you!
Create characters from 51 different types of units and make the ultimate powerhouse through a combination of leveling up, finding rare items, and challenging randomized dungeons. There are endless possibilities for customization!
Recruit Phantoms, bind them to objects, combine them with Gadgets, and even merge them with Marona herself to unleash show-stopping abilities and sink the Shipwreck Fleet!
Witness the tale of a girl and her bond with Phantoms unfold.
NIS America, Inc. is thrilled to share exciting new details on Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero's Season Pass and PlayStation digital preorder campaigns.
The Season Pass is packed with downloadable content, including access to bonus DLC stories featuring characters from past Nippon Ichi Software titles, bonus color options for the Sailor, Healer, and Chef, and consumable items to assist with your journey.
Season Pass Contents
- Bonus Story: Parallel Siblings - A scenario about Castile the Chroma and Walnut, characters from Phantom Brave, joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Bonus Story: Heroes of the Past - A scenario about Scarlet and Sprout, characters from Phantom Brave, joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Bonus Story: The Wandering Pirate - A scenario about Samayoi from BAR Stella Abyss joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Bonus Story: The Liar and the Lost - A scenario about the Liar Princess from The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Bonus Story: The Girl Who Cried Ghost - A scenario about the Girl (Kotomo) from Yomawari: Night Alone joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Bonus Story: The Rat Who Demons Fear - A scenario about Mad Rat & Heart from Mad Rat Dead joining the party (Coming early 2025)
- Season Pass Bonus: The Three Buccaneers Outfits
- 10x Boost Ticket x 3
- 5x Boost Ticket x 3
- 2x Boost Ticket x 3
- BOR Bag x 3
- Mana Bag x 3
The Season Pass will be available to purchase for $49.99 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Steam.
In addition, preorders for Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Standard Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition are now available on the PlayStation Store. Both come with the Exclusive Putty Outfit - Putumia preorder bonus. In addition to the full game, the Digital Deluxe Edition contains the Season Pass and even more bonus items.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 on on January 30, 2025, followed by PC (Steam) in Spring 2025.
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